Welcome to Invitations to Ascend

Welcome to Invitations to Ascend. It is wonderful to have you here. May this be a place where you are invited to do just that – to come, to sit, to ponder, and to encounter our most wonderful God.

All my life, I have longed to know God. By that, I do not mean an academic knowledge of facts and figures, nor a head filled with information about God. What I mean is I have longed to live in genuine relationship with this amazing God, who came to earth and lived and died that we might know him. I long to see him, to hear him, to serve him and to bring honour to him.

While that sounds good, the path to this depth of relationship seems, at least to me to be unclear. Perhaps that is because each path is different. But I hope there may be similarities at least. Indeed, there are numerous others who have walked this way ahead of us, and they must help to shed some light on the process. And we have been promised the best of guides in the person of the most amazing Holy Spirit if we would only have ears to hear him.

I readily admit that this is a destination that I have not reached, nor do I think I ever shall. But I hope to get slowly nearer, to keep waking on this path.

All I know is that this is the kind of place that I yearn to find. This is the kind of dialogue that I long to have. Hopefully, it is the kind of place where you wish to be also.


Welcome to the Mountain of God
Photo by Guillaume Briard on Unsplash

Jesus once said,

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.”

John 7:37

Jesus says that still. He promises that all those who come to him will be satisfied.

Perhaps you know nothing of this man-who-was-God Jesus, but you read those words and something inside you aches. If that is you, welcome. Feel free to read and go wherever you please. But if you would like some help on knowing where to start, you might want to begin with this page.

For those of you who have walked this journey for a while and yet are deeply unsatisfied, welcome. There is hope. The path may not be linear. The steps may be challenging and maybe even trying at times, but the promise holds true. If you search for the pearl of great price and are willing to pay for it, you will find it. You are welcome to start reading wherever you like. But we do hope there is a progression to these posts. So if you would like to start at the beginning, our first post was A breath from the Mountain of God.

Perhaps you don’t fit into either category, you too are very welcome, wherever you are and wherever you are at.

child climbing up a stairway in the rock we are invited to ascend
Photo by Mael BALLAND on Unsplash

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Disregarding the Majesty of the Almighty

It is easy, all too easy, to take the familiar for granted. To make mundane that which is truly incredible. In a moment of jarring clarity a week or two ago, I realised just how quickly we do this and how much I am guilty of falling into this trap.